The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples Of Eastern Central Asia
Monograph No. 26 — Edited by Victor H. Mair (in two volumes)
VOLUME 1: ARCHEOLOGY, MIGRATION AND NOMADISM, LINGUISTICS: Map of Eastern Central Asia. INTRODUCTION: Victor H. Mair: Priorities. ARCHEOLOGY: AN Zhimin: Cultural Complexes of the Bronze Age in the Tarim Basin and Surrounding Areas; Elena E. Kuzmina: Cultural Connections of the Tarim Basin People and Pastoralists of the Asian Steppes in the Bronze Age; David W. Anthony: The Opening of the Eurasian Steppe at 2000 BCE; Asko Parpola: Aryan Languages, Archeological Cultures, and Sinkiang—Where Did Proto Iranian Come into Being and How Did It Spread?; Fredrik T. Hiebert: Central Asians on the Iranian Plateau—A Model for Indo Iranian Expansionism; SHUI Tao: On the Relationship between the Tarim and Fergana Basins in the Bronze Age; HE Dexiu: A Brief Report on the Mummies from the Zaghunluq Site in Chärchän County; J.P. Mallory: A European Perspective on Indo Europeans in Asia; Colin Renfrew: The Tarim Basin, Tocharian, and Indo European Origins—A View from the West. MIGRATION AND NOMADISM: Karl Jettmar: Early Migrations in Central Asia; Natalia I. Shishlina and Fredrik T. Hiehert: The Steppe and the Sown—Interaction between Bronze Age Eurasian Nomads and Agriculturalists; Jeannine Davis Kimball: Tribal Interaction between the Early Iron Age Nomads of the Southern Ural Steppes, Semirechive, and Xinjiang; Claudia Chang and Perry A. Tourtellotte:
The Role of Agro pastoralism in the Evolution of Steppe; Culture in the
Semirechye Area of Southern Kazakhstan during the Saka/Wustun Period
(600 BCE 400 CE); Tzehtley C’hiou Peng: Western Hunan and Its Steppe Affinities. LINGUISTICS: Eric P. Hamp: Whose Were the Tocharians?—Linguistic Subgrouping and Diagnostic Idiosyncrasy; Werner Winter: Lexical Archaisms in the Tocharian Languages; Georges Jean Pinault: Tocharian Languages and Pre Buddhist Culture; Douglas Q. Adams: On the History and Significance of Some Tocharian B Agricultural Terms; Alexander Lubotsky: Tocharian Loan Words in Old Chinese—Chariots, Chariot Gear, and Town Building; Don Ringe, Tandy Warnow, Ann Taylor, Alexander Michailov, and Libby Levison:
Computational Cladistics and the Position of Tocharian; Juha Janhunen,
The Horse in East Asia—Reviewing the Linguistic Evidence; John Colarusso: Languages of the Dead; Kevin Tuite: Evidence for Prehistoric Links between the Caucasus and Central Asia—The Case of the Burushos; LIN Meicun: Qilian and Kunlun—The Earliest Tokharian Loan words in Ancient Chinese; Penglin Wang: A Linguistic Approach to Inner Asian Ethnonyms; William S Y. Wang: Three Windows on the Past.
VOLUME 2: GENETICS AND PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Paolo Francalacci: DNA Analysis on Ancient Desiccated Corpses from Xinjiang (China)—Further Results; Tongmao Zhao:
The Uyghurs, a Mongoloid-Caucaseid Mixed Population—Genetic Evidence
and Estimates of Caucasian Admixture in the Peoples Living in Northwest
China; HAN Kangxin: The Physical Anthropology of the Ancient Populations of the Tarim Basin and Surrounding Areas. METALLURGY: Ke Peng: The Andronovo Bronze Artifacts Discovered in Toquztara County in Ili, Xinjiang; Jianjun Mei and Colin Shell: Copper And Bronze Metallurgy in Late Prehistoric Xinjiang; Emwa C. Bunker: Cultural Diversity in the Tarim Basin Vicinity and Its Impact on Ancient Chinese Culture; Katheryn M. Linduff: The Emergence and Demise of Bronze Producing Cultures Outside the Central Plain of China. TEXTILES: E.J.W. Barber: Bronze Age Cloth and Clothing of the Tarim Basin—The Krorän (Loulan) and Qumul (Elami) Evidence. Irene Good: Bronze Age Cloth and Clothing of the Tarim Basin—The Chärchän Evidence. GEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATOLOGY: Harold C. Fleming: At the Vortex of Central Asia—Mummies as Testimony to Prehistory; Kenneth J. Hsü: Did the Xinjiang Indo Europeans Leave Their Home Because of Global Cooling? HISTORY: Michael Puett: China in Early Eurasian History—A Brief Review of Recent Scholarship on the Issue; E. Bruce Brooks: Textual Evidence for 04c Sino Bactrian Contact. MYTHOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY: Denis Sinor: The Myth of Languages and the Language of Myth; C. Scott Littleton: Were Some of the Xinjiang Mummies ‘Epi Scythians’? An Excursus in Trans Eurasian Folklore and Mythology; CHEN Chien wen: Further Studies on the Racial, Cultural, and Ethnic Affinities of the Yuezhi; Dolkun Kamberi: Discovery of the Täklimakanian Civilization during, a Century of Tarim Archeological Exploration (ca. 1886 1996); Dru C. Gladney: Ethnogenesis and Ethnic Identity in China—Considering the Uygurs and Kazaks. CONCLUSION: Victor H. Mair: Die Sprachmöbe—An Archeolinguistic Parable. APPENDIX: Victor H. Mair and Dolkun Kamberi: Place, People, and Site Names of the Uyghur Region Pertinent to the Archeology of the Bronze Age and Iron Age.
ISBN 0-941694-66-6
1998, Pages 912
2-volumes, with maps and illustrations: $112.00
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