The One eyed God:
Odin and the (Indo ) Germanic Männerbünde
Monograph No. 36 — By Kris Kershaw
This is much more than just
solid, factual information about Odin and the people whose deity he
was, for Odin was the god of the Einheriar, of the Germanic and Viking
mannerbunde, the furor Teutonicus and the war bands of the great folk
wandering that shaped so much of the map of Europe as we know
today. Here we have a broad and fascinating account of the
Germanic ancestor cult, of the Wild Hunt, the eye in the well, wolf-men
and werewolves, dragon-slayers, demon riders and Harlequin, Valhalla
and Ragnorak. Odin/Wodan is presented to us as a divinity who was
central to a warrior society the ramifications of which went far beyond
the revered One-Eyed God of battle and knowledge. Organized into
three sections, we are carried in the last of these far beyond Germany
to find parallel institutions surviving amongst the wider Aryan kindred
– among the Celts, Romans, Slavs and ancient Greeks, and still further,
to the Indo-Aryans of Iran and the distant lands beyond the Indus, all
sharing elements of a once common ancestral origin.

ISBN 0-941694-74-7
2000, Pages 306
Paperback: $48.00
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