Dictionary of Some Languages and Dialects of Afghanistan
No. 48 - Transliterated, Translated,
and Edited by Hamid Badghisi
Introduction by A. Richard Diebold, Jr.
Originally compiled in Pashto by Shah Abdullah Badakhshi and published in Kabul in 1960
After prefatory comments by the
author, Shah Abdullah Badakshi, and the translator, Hamid Badghisi, a
preface by editor A. Richard Diebold, Jr. provides an invaluable guide
to this transliterated and translated mine of information. Diebold
shows how in consequence of primarily prehistoric movements of people
from Iran into India, Proto-Indo-Iranian evolved into four distinct
families, namely: Iranian, whose various languages and dialects today
extend from Iran over most of Afghanistan, Nuristani or Kafr, a remote
isolate surviving in the center of Afghanistan, Indo-Aryan, and Dardic
which survives in Chitral and Kashmir.
The two major languages of Afghanistan are therefore both modern
Iranian. Of these, Farsi is modern Southwestern Iranian, and
predominates in northwestern Afghan adjacent to Iran, while Pushtu
(Badghisi's Pashto) spoken throughout southeastern Afghanistan,
adjacent to India, is modern Southeastern Iranian. But perhaps the most
valuable part of Badakshi's work is his unique coverage of a little
researched group of Southwestern Iranian isolates in the Pamirs:
Shughni, Sanglichi, Wakhi, Ishkashmi, and Manji.
Dictionary of Some Languages and Dialects of Afghanistan comprises an
exact translation of Badakshi's dictionary comparing Farsi, Pushtu and
the five Pamir isolates. It is consequently a most valuable resource
for students of Iranian – and, only less directly, for students of
Sanskrit and the many Indo-European languages of modern India.
ISBN 0-941694-88-7
ISBN 0-941694-89-5
2004, Pages 258
Paperback: $48.00
Hardcover: $78.00
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